Comprehensive Allergy Testing Atlanta Ga
Alane Stieglitz-Wincek
holistic nutritionist, naturopath, author
678-372-2913 / alanepnd@gmail.com
May 12, 2021
Hi, Learn how our #1 allergy testing in Atlanta, Ga, can get you the answers you need to feel better fast.
Ever wonder why every year your allergy symptoms act up? I know I do! It usually happens during season changes. The symptoms start with some sinus congestion, an itchy throat, and then I feel like I am reacting to foods. I am more careful with my diet during season changes, so my immune system does not struggle as much.
We have natural allergy remedies at Nutritionally Yours to help with the allergy symptoms. We also have extensive allergy testing available for people in Atlanta, Ga, and all over the country for food and environmental allergens.
Since moving to Atlanta, Ga, back in 1996, I had to learn how to support my immune system differently than when I lived in New York State.
The green pollen plus the seasonal changes affected me much more in Georgia. My youngest son would tend to get allergy symptoms twice a year when the seasons changed. Then with all the mold down here, that became a big thing to consider when I run allergy testing on my Atlanta, Ga clients. You can have the perfect house, but they’re could still be mold in it.
Getting my son tested was a game changer for us at home. We learned he was allergic to gluten, we removed it from his diet and his reactions to the environment improved dramatically. He was diagnosed with an allergy to the sun when he was very young, after we changed his diet, the allergy was gone!
Running comprehensive allergy testing in my Atlanta, Ga, clinic, helps me know the best direction, remedy, or herbal for a client. It also tells me if they just need a simple dietary adjustment. For instance, if someone has allergy symptoms and many different food additives show up, they need to adjust their daily diet. But someone else may be reacting to the environment, and then I would suggest a supplement to help them feel better. And if mold showed up as an issue on allergy testing, then I would have to discuss a possible mold toxicity issue in their home or work environment and test for that too.
We can test for:
- food allergies
- gluten intolerance
- environmental allergies
- mold allergies
- chemical allergies
- Yeast allergies, including candida
- additives and preservatives
So if you are suffering from any type of allergy, make an appointment, so I can help you breathe and feel healthier. We work in person in Atlanta, GA, and virtually too, so I can help you anywhere you live.
Allergy testing Atlanta Ga

Hey! I’m Alane Stieglitz-Wincek. I grew up on sugar and plenty of junk food and had no clue how my diet effected my health.
I changed my life and have worked as a holistic nutritionist and naturopath, for over the last 30 years. I help people get healthy, fit and lean, find hormone happiness and recover from all sorts health challenges.
Obsessed With: my family, my dog, my clients, loving life, and living it to the fullest!