Are you looking to get to the root cause of your irritable bowel Atlanta, Ga?
Do You Need an all Natural IBS Treatment Plan That Works?
We understand the frustration and concern you are experiencing daily with your irritable bowel symptoms. We will get to the root cause of your IBS and put you on the proper diet and natural remedies so your gut health improves fast.
CONTACT US TODAY! 678-372-2913
Do you want to know why you have irritable bowel symptoms and what to do to feel better?
Some of the Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: bad bacteria, not enough good bacteria, parasite, food intolerance, low digestive enzymes, inflammation, infections, stress, yeast, low short chain fatty acids, autoimmunity.
Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, depression, headaches, and fatigue.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects people of ALL ages at any time in their life: Sometimes people grow up with some IBS symptoms, and as they age it gets worse. Other times people feel perfect in their gut and all of a sudden things change and they have terrible IBS symptoms that will not go away.
“Hi, I am Alane, and I understand how you feel. Irritable Bowel Atlanta, can significantly affect your life. I was diagnosed with IBS back in 5th grade. It continued all during high school, college, and young adult years and caused me to miss too much joy in life. I found the root cause, said OK, that was easy, and the IBS symptoms stopped 100% and never returned. The reason for each person’s symptoms can differ, but it is easy to improve”.
“I love helping people with irritable bowel syndrome feel better, stop being afraid of food, and start enjoying life!”
Nutritionally Yours is located in Atlanta, Ga.
Virtual & in-Person Appts: Monday – Friday 9am-4pm EST
CONTACT US TODAY! 678-372-2913
“I came for help and guidance to improve my life. I have had gas, bloating, and weight gain for too long. I worked on improving the gut environment with supportive supplements plus changed my diet by removing gluten. I am feeling healthy again. Thank you!”
– SB
IBS, Atlanta Ga
“I was suffering from stomach aches and loose movements for some time. No one could help me feel better. Finally, I decided to visit your office. We were able to identify a gut imbalance through a stool kit and hair analysis. Now I know exactly what to do to improve my gut health and I am on my way to recovery. Thank you Alane! I am grateful to you.”
RG, Alpharetta, GA
Daughter with Ulcerative Colitis Finally Improves
“This short note could in no way express the miracle Alane brought into our life through her knowledge, and special ability to listen and care. We highly recommend Alane to bring a miracle into your life!!!!”
Nickie and Felix Drepaul