gut microbiome Atlanta Ga

Gut Microbiome Atlanta, Ga

Alane Stieglitz-Wincek
holistic nutritionist, naturopath, author
678-372-2913 /

January 14, 2020

Strengthen my what? First, let’s define what this “Gut Microbiome” is, Atlanta, Ga

A Microbiome is the community of microbes that resides in our gut. An enormous microbe community! The gut microbiota is the first line of defense for the human body and our immune system. The gut microbiome and its strength protects us regarding our health and disease prevention. 

The role of the Gut Microbiome is so central to the body’s operations that it essentially acts as an organ. It impacts aging, digestion, immune cells, mental health, and even our cognitive function.

Strengthening and supporting your gut’s environment will keep your overall health in tip-top shape. Eating foods that are easy to digest and break down is an excellent place to start. Eliminating highly processed and sugary foods is also a great idea. 

Adding a good probiotic supplement will strengthen your Gut Microbiome. Choosing a supplement containing strains of pro and prebiotics (like short-chain fatty acids) that enable good bacteria to grow and thrive will create an equal opportunity environment in your gut!

A healthy gut community can protect you from irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and poor gut microbes, taking the lead in your health. 

Your gut microbiome health is vital to your overall health and wellness! If you live in the Atlanta, Ga area and are experiencing any gastrointestinal distress, or are concerned about your gut microbiome health, please make an appointment.


Gut Microbiome Atlanta Ga

photo fav gut microbiome

Hey! I’m Alane Stieglitz-Wincek. I grew up on sugar and plenty of junk food and had no clue how my diet effected my health. 

 I changed my life and have worked as a holistic nutritionist and naturopath, for over the last 30 years. I help people get healthy, fit and lean, find hormone happiness and recover from all sorts health challenges. 

Obsessed With: my family, my dog, my clients, loving life, and living it to the fullest! 

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