Certified Nutritionist Atlanta Ga

The Importance of Consulting a Certified Nutritionist in Atlanta

Hippocrates is believed to have said, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” Food is our primary source of healthcare.

Proper nutrition plays a significant role in every process in the body. What you eat affects how you grow, feel, and function. It can impact your mood, energy, and overall well-being.

Think about this – food is our main medicine, proper nutrition plays a role in every process in our body. What we eat directly impacts our daily life, our weight, development, immune system, longevity, body composition, our mood and our energy.

Alane learned how to care for herself, her family, and her clients through a top certified nutrition program. Her nutrition certifications program also taught her the following.

  • Client nutrition and supplementation
  • Symptoms and testing to help determine nutritional needs
  • Diet and food-related trends
  • Nutrition based protocols to help the body overcome specific conditions.

How to Find the Best Certified Nutritionist in Atlanta

Finding the best certified nutritionist in Atlanta means finding someone who knows our communities need help with their nutrition. The person you work with must dedicate themselves and provide support to their clients to lead them to a healthier lifestyle. A lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, based on individual schedules and needs. A diet that nourishes their body and mind to improve their overall longevity and quality of life.

A certified nutritionist is trained in the following areas plus more.

  • Food Allergies and Intolerances
  • Inflammation, Immune System, and Disease Prevention
  • Neuro-endocrine Protocols
  • Protocols to support heart health and other related symptoms
  • Muscular and Nervous System
  • Endocrine, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic Systems
  • Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive Systems
  • Nutritional Needs for the Aging Client
  • Signs and Symptoms of Common Deficiencies
  • Lab Analysis
  • Cravings and Emotions
  • Picking Quality Supplements
  • Weight Loss and Metabolism

Exploring the Benefits of Working with a Certified Nutritionist in Atlanta

Getting help from a certified nutritionist in Atlanta can really help people who want to get healthier and feel better. These nutrition specialists can help with various nutritional needs like food allergies, inflammation, immune system support, and heart health. Working with a nutritionist helps clients create a healthy diet that fits their schedules and needs.

Someone with a nutritionist certification can assist individuals in nourishing their clients bodies and minds. This can lead to improved health, body shape, and overall quality of life. Certified nutritionists can assist with analyzing labs, addressing deficiencies, managing cravings, emotions, recommending supplements, aiding in weight loss, and boosting metabolism.

Nutrition counseling has benefited many individuals. At Nutritionally Yours, Alane has helped clients for over 30 years to live healthier and longer lives. She has a degree in nutrition plus a bachelors degree from SUNY Oswego, NY. She has also taken several accredited courses through the University of Bridgeport CT in various health and nutrition science programs.

Common Misconceptions About Certified Nutritionists in Atlanta

Some people in Atlanta may have wrong ideas about certified nutritionists. Some people may question their abilities, doubt if nutrition counseling is effective, and not grasp how nutritionists improve health. Some people believe that nutritionists only assist with weight loss or diets. However, they also have knowledge about food allergies, disease prevention, testing, supplementation, and overall health.

Some people think it’s expensive and hard to stick to the dietary changes suggested by a nutritionist. This simply is not true because we personalize each program for each client. Certified nutritionists play a crucial role in improving people’s health through personalized nutrition plans and lifestyle changes.

It is important to address any misunderstandings about their role. They help individuals make positive changes to their health through tailored nutrition and lifestyle recommendations.

In the long term seeing a certified nutritionist can save you time, money and energy. It can keep health costs down as it does play a vital role in preventative medicine.

Success Stories: Clients' Experiences with Certified Nutritionists in Atlanta

Are you looking to unlock your health potential and achieve a better quality of life through proper nutrition? Working with a certified nutritionist in Atlanta like Alane can be a transformative experience. Let’s look at some success stories of people who have improved their health and well-being with Alane’s help.

Hi Alane and Team, just wanted to let you know this is a beautiful morning for me because of the progress I am experiencing in my initial three weeks of treatment in a 2 year struggle of health caused by a tick bite. I was just living until I could feel ALIVE again. At last, I have hope once more recovery is on the way. Thank you to the wonderful team (I mean EVERYONE!) for the compassionate professional care you provide. Hearts in service for others. – Amy

I met with Alane with a starting weight of 280 lbs and no idea why I couldn’t lose weight. After a simple blood work test Alane quickly discovered my issue. She created a meal plan for me and worked with me to achieve my goals. Today I’m weighing in at 235 lbs and healthy as a horse all thanks to Nutritionally Yours. Alane really cares about your personal well being and she’s not there just to break the bad news to you. I would definitely recommend Nutritionally Yours to anyone with health issues that could stem from nutrition.


Nutritionist Atlanta



Hey! I’m Alane Stieglitz-Wincek. I grew up on sugar and plenty of junk food and had no clue how my diet effected my health.

I changed my life and have worked as a holistic nutritionist and naturopath, for over the last 30 years. I help people get healthy, fit and lean, find hormone happiness and recover from all sorts health challenges.

Obsessed With: my family, my dog, my clients, loving life, and living it to the fullest!