Mystery Illness and Symptoms Atlanta Ga

Mystery Illness and Symptoms: Why Doesn't My Doctor Believe Me?

If you’ve been feeling unwell and can’t seem to get answers for your health issues, you’re not alone. Many people have unexplained symptoms, often called “mystery illnesses.” They often feel ignored or dismissed by their doctors.

The truth is, these symptoms might not come from a regular medical problem. They could be a functional issue that standard lab tests miss.

Functional Issues vs. Medical Issues: The Difference Matters

One of the biggest challenges in diagnosing mystery illnesses is that standard medical tests look at wide “normal” ranges. If your results fall within those ranges, doctors often tell you everything is fine, even if you feel awful. For example, in the case of hypothyroidism, most medical professionals look for a TSH level of 4.5 or higher to diagnose an underactive thyroid.

But what if your TSH is 3.8? You might still have symptoms of hypothyroidism.

This is known as functional hypothyroidism. It means your thyroid is not working well at a functional level. You still need support to feel better which may come in the form of dietary adjustments or supplementation.

Many primary care doctors are well-trained in treating acute conditions and common diseases. However, they often lack training in chronic or long-term issues. These include mold illness, long-haul viral infections, toxin overload, and Lyme disease.

They also might struggle with complex issues, such as vitamin deficiencies other than B12 or D. This is not their fault. They have not received training in that area.

Why Traditional Lab Testing Falls Short

One reason people with mystery illnesses do not receive a diagnosis is that traditional lab testing has limitations. Most standard tests don’t look deeply enough into the body’s function.

For example, doctors often test Lyme, one of the infectious diseases, with the Western Blot, or an ANA. However, this test does not check for all the co-infections that usually come with Lyme. And the longer a person has Lyme, the antibodies tested may not appear.

The same goes for mold illness, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neurotransmitter imbalances. These are real conditions, but standard testing doesn’t dig deep enough to identify them.

Commonly Missed Mystery Illnesses

Some common conditions that often go undiagnosed because of limited testing and a lack of understanding include these:

  • Chronic Lyme disease
  • Mold toxicity
  • Long-haul viral infections 
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neurotransmitter imbalances
  • Functional hypothyroidism)
  • Shortness of Breath (that is not asthma or COPD)
  • Ascension symptoms

Many people notice changes in their energy, mood, or body. These changes are often called ascension symptoms. They are part of a spiritual or energetic growth process. Traditional healthcare providers do not widely accept or understand this concept, which leaves many patients feeling even more isolated.

Our Comprehensive, Alternative Testing Methods

Many people are seen in our office and virtually that have mystery illness and symptoms. The root cause is unique to each patient. 

In our practice, we use alternative lab testing methods that go far beyond traditional tests. These tests are made to be more comprehensive. They check free hormone levels, neurotransmitters, toxins, viral overload, mold illness and infections like Lyme.

Many people are seen in our office and virtually that have mystery illness and symptoms. The root cause is unique to each patient. 

These tests are often not covered by insurance and require payment upfront. However, they give a clearer and more complete view of what is happening in your body. Our testing can identify issues that standard labs miss, giving us the insight we need to create a targeted and effective plan.

Mystery Illness and Symptoms: Atlanta Ga

Some of the most common symptoms associated with mystery illnesses include:

  • Chronic fatigue or constant tiredness
  • Brain fog and memory problems
  • Constant headaches and migraines.
  • Muscle weakness
  • Joint pain
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Hair Loss
  • Constant Anemia
  • Mood swings or persistent anxiety and depression
  • Digestive issues like bloating, gas, or IBS
  • Skin rashes or other unexplained skin conditions
  • Insomnia or poor sleep quality

These symptoms can make you feel like you are walking through life in a fog. Since they often don’t show up in standard lab tests, it can feel like no one believes you.

Why I’m Different: I Believe You

When you come to me with mystery symptoms, I believe you. I know how frustrating it can be to feel dismissed, and I’m here to listen to your concerns and take them seriously. We will dive deep into your health, looking at the root causes of your symptoms through comprehensive testing. Once we have a full understanding of what’s going on, we can create a protocol tailored to your specific needs.

I also work within a trusted network of medical doctors who support my work. If you need medical treatment or more tests, I will refer you to these doctors. They are open to our findings and will work together to make sure you get the care you deserve.

Ready to Get Answers for Mystery Illness and Symptoms? 

If you feel misunderstood and want real answers, let’s work together to find the cause of your symptoms. Our thorough testing and complete approach will provide you with the insight to regain your health and feel like yourself again.

You don’t have to live in mystery any longer. Reach out today to schedule an appointment and start your journey to better health!

In Person and Virtual Appointments Monday – Friday. 

Nutritionist Atlanta



Hey! I’m Alane Stieglitz-Wincek. I grew up on sugar and plenty of junk food and had no clue how my diet effected my health.

I changed my life and have worked as a holistic nutritionist and naturopath, for over the last 30 years. I help people get healthy, fit and lean, find hormone happiness and recover from all sorts health challenges.

Obsessed With: my family, my dog, my clients, loving life, and living it to the fullest!