Looking For Holistic Medicine Near Me Atlanta, Ga? 30+ Years of Success!
Alane Stieglitz-Wincek
holistic nutritionist, naturopath, author
678-372-2913 / alanepnd@gmail.com
March 2, 2021
Many people of all ages start to search online for “holistic medicine near me” when traditional medicine is not helping them.
They begin to think about if there is another way to figure out what is wrong and to get better. Some people I work with are brand new to holistic medicine, and others are not. No matter the case, they all want a better life, a healthier life, and a more active life. I have worked in holistic medicine in Atlanta Ga for over 25 years, and I genuinely love what I do.
Holistic medicine is all about healing and balance. You are a whole person made up of parts that need to work together for your benefit. If there is an imbalance, the entire body may be affected.
If you start to get joint pain, I will most likely talk to you about changes in your diet, stress, work, and family life and try to get to the root cause of the pain. Food intolerances may trigger it, your spine being out of alignment, or an infection like Lyme. or Epstein Barr. The key is not to merely treat the symptoms will medication; it is to figure out WHY the pain is there and then help improve the symptoms as naturally as possible.
I had a patient many years ago that wanted to get pregnant. She went to the best infertility doctors where she lived, Atlanta, Ga. Then she said she started googling “holistic medicine near me” and found me. Nothing was working.
She came to see me, and we made some simple adjustments to her diet, ran nutrient deficiency testing, and she was pregnant within two months. It turned out to be a mineral deficiency and food intolerances preventing the pregnancy from happening. So, instead of treating the condition with medication, we get the body balanced out better and watch it improve in holistic medicine.
Another patient had daily migraines and was suffering terribly. Medication stopped working, and she was desperate. We did food intolerance testing and hair analysis, and I referred her to a functional neurologist to work on her spine and brain. After a few dietary adjustments and supporting a magnesium deficiency, her daily migraines were gone. She was also sleeping much better.
Are you tired of putting a Band-Aid on your symptoms and taking pills? Are you looking for holistic medicine near me because you want to get healthier, happier, and more active in life? Ready to do what it takes to win your health and life back?
Hey! I’m Alane Stieglitz-Wincek. I grew up on sugar and plenty of junk food and had no clue how my diet effected my health.
I changed my life and have worked as a holistic nutritionist and naturopath, for over the last 30 years. I help people get healthy, fit and lean, find hormone happiness and recover from all sorts health challenges.
Obsessed With: my family, my dog, my clients, loving life, and living it to the fullest!