What is the Best Diet Meal Plan Atlanta to Lose Weight?

When searching for the best diet meal plan Atlanta, to lose weight or improve your health, there are a myriad of diet plans to chose from. Some popular diet plans are the Mediterranean, MIND, DASH, Intermittent fasting, plant-based, low carb, and keto diets.

diet meal plan Atlanta At Nutritionally Yours, we believe that we should tailor a diet meal plan to your body’s unique metabolism. A personalized approach ensures not only optimal nutrient intake but also addresses any health condition or activity level. Customization is the best option among many diet meal plans. It helps you reach your health, wellness, and fitness goals in a sustainable and enjoyable way.

Your diet meal plan Atlanta can include parts of different popular plans, based on your metabolism, health issues, and weight loss goals. For example, I do best on a high vegetable and high plant protein diet. You may thrive on a diet of high meat protein and low carbohydrates. The only way to know is to meet, talk and run comprehensive metabolic testing.

One saying I use often at the clinic is, “testing is better than guessing”.  Testing your metabolism is the first way to know which meal and snack options are best to help you lose weight and keep it off. Testing also enables you to know which foods to add to your shopping list and which to leave off.

To learn about our metabolic testing see our metabolic blogs https://nutritionallyyours.net/metabolism-testing-near-me-atlanta/

What Meals To Eat For Weight loss?

Many of our clients ask us what meals they should eat for weight loss. Here are some general answers, but it’s important to customize your meals for weight loss and good health.

Some of my favorite balanced meals are:

  • Bison burger, no bun, and a side of butternut squash and green beans
  • Ground turkey breast meatballs over Quinoa with chopped broccoli on top.
  • Chicken stir fry with a gluten free, low sodium, low sugar soy sauce, Right-Rice, and colorful vegetables.
  • Crispy baked, organic tofu and a side of mixed vegetables with a gluten free, low sodium teriyaki sauce.
  • White bean chili with a side of gluten free cornbread.
  • Plant based protein powder (1/2 dose) + 1 cup of frozen fruit and frozen kale + 1 cup soy milk and the rest water

Another helpful way to know which meals are best for you to lose weight and keep it off is to consider food intolerance testing. Testing revealed that parsnips, carrots, and apples quickly make me gain weight. So I do not eat them often.

I also do not do well with a high number of calories per day or I will gain weight. That is because of high fat storage markers in bloodwork. So I tend to eat lean, green and stay away from fat except for olive oil.

But, this is about YOU, not me, so what works for me may not work for you.

How Can I Make A Diet Meal Plan For Myself?

The best may to make a diet plan for yourself is to personalize it. Of course you should eat healthy, emphasizing vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low fat protein. But to know exactly which items in each section is best for you, takes testing, not guessing.

diet meal plan Atlanta I enjoy putting together a personalized diet meal plan for people in Atlanta, Ga and all over the USA.  Each one is totally unique to their personal needs. One person’s diet may include lean protein and greens, while another person may require more carbs and vegan protein.

Here are the steps I suggest when someone is trying to make a a diet meal plan for themselves.

First run comprehensive metabolism testing – I can do that for you during an initial in person or virtual appointment. 

Second look at food intolerances so you can avoid foods that will lead to weight gain and symptoms.

Third look at your blood type, it will give you more direction. O’s tend to need more protein and A’s tend to thrive on low protein and high vegetables.

Fourth work with me!  Make an appointment and I will teach you what you need to know about your health and metabolism. I will also help you assemble the best diet plan for yourself.

What Is A Personalized Diet Plan?

A personalized diet plan is much more than a simple list or PDF you may find online. Working with a trained pro helps you achieve your desired results quickly by understanding your unique metabolism.

You have a unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, health conditions, habits and preferences. All this matters when creating a personalized diet plan that will get you the results you want.

Remember, it is not about keto, paleo, autoimmune, low carb, high fat. It is all about YOU.

Nutritionist Atlanta



Hey! I’m Alane Stieglitz-Wincek. I grew up on sugar and plenty of junk food and had no clue how my diet effected my health.

I changed my life and have worked as a holistic nutritionist and naturopath, for over the last 30 years. I help people get healthy, fit and lean, find hormone happiness and recover from all sorts health challenges.

Obsessed With: my family, my dog, my clients, loving life, and living it to the fullest!